Sunday, October 27, 2013

     Well, halfway thru the quarter and I'm not doing too badly.  I'm actually learning a few things!
Much of the math I had taken years ago, is coming back to me slowly.  Sometimes I even enjoy getting an

     English is another matter.  No wonder its one of the hardest, if not THE hardest, language to learn.  One can become fairly confused with all the punctuation rules, let alone spelling.  There's got to be a better way.
     The testing on reading is moving along.  I have increased my speed a little and I'm now up to 127 words a minute.  Found out my left eye doesn't receive information too well.  Don't know if that means I'm right eye dominant or what, but thru all the exercises I seem to be doing poorly in remembering what my left eye has seen.

     Psychology is one tough course.  When the instructor said there would be a lot of reading....he meant it!  I follow all the suggestions they give for studying, but I still cannot seem to retain what I read that well.  Especially names and dates.  When questions are poised, I can remember reading something about that, but can't exactly what I read, or where I saw it in the book.  That's keeping my grade down to average.  I really want to do better and I'm struggling with that.  Guess my expectations of myself were set a little high; time to reevaluate.

More later

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